
International currency converter

Engaging in international trade means doing business in foreign currency. With fluctuating exchange rates, doing accurate costings and quotes can become hard.

Convert any amount in any currency easily with our international currency converter.

Please note: The amount stated on the international currency converter excludes transactional fees, taxes and commissions.

The result of your calculation is based on a standard rate at the time of calculation. The exact amount payable or receivable on your international transaction will depend on the exchange rate and transaction fees you incur at the time of payment.

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Foreign exchange payments

Get personalised payment service from a foreign exchange broker who knows you, your company, and your goals in international trade.

We’ve pinpointed brokers who specialize in:

Reserve bank compliant transactions in line with all businesses and personal imports and exports.

Forward Exchange Contracts, which give you control of the exchange rate at which you pay.

Managing import export transactions according your (not the bank’s) best interest.

Find more help with your import logistics, original resources, leading-edge training, and assistance with customs licenses on Trade Logistics.