Tag Archive for: Import

Meeting South African labelling requirements

Traders often import products that get blocked by Customs due to South African labelling requirements. Read how to avoid this here.

5 Reasons why regulated imports need to be controlled

Learn why imports need to be controlled and how ITAC oversees the management of regulated imports and exports in this article.

GUIDE TO: Completing a clearing instruction form

A clearing agent may only act on behalf of their client if a formal clearing instruction has been issued. Let’s see how this works.

Top 10 questions to ask an international supplier

Finding suppliers can be overwhelming. Here are the top 10 questions you should ask any potential international supplier.

HOW TO: Outsmart international scammers

Finding international suppliers online is quite easy. Let’s look at how to how to not get scammed by these international sellers.

GUIDE TO: Commercial invoices

The commercial invoice is a serious document in any import and export. Let’s look at what is required for it to be compliant.

Ensuring a profit before you import

Let’s take a look at how you would determine whether there is any potential profit in selling your product.

Finding the right supplier for your import business

Many business owners struggle to find the right import supplier. Here are the key factors to consider before paying a deposit.

Import Basics: Arranging the logistics

Having found a product to import and negotiated a cost with the supplier, it is time to get the product delivered to you. Here are a few points to keep in mind that will help avoid any surprises along the way!