SARB MANUALS FOR: Exchange control and international transactions

To assist with compliant international trade, the Reserve Bank publishes Currency and Exchange Control Manuals. Here are the latest ones.

What you need for cross border trade

Moving goods over a border South Africa shares with a neighboring state is called cross border trade. Let’s take a look at what you need for compliance.

Top 10 questions to ask an international supplier

Finding suppliers can be overwhelming. Here are the top 10 questions you should ask any potential international supplier.

Building international business relationships

Read our three essential tips for building international business relationships with customers and suppliers that are lasting and lucrative.

Export readiness checklist

Make sure you have everything in place for your shipment to arrive safely with our export readiness checklist.

GUIDE TO: Trade agreements and certificates of origin

Whether you import or export, knowing about and making use of trade agreements gives you the competitive edge. Learn more in this guide.

Exports: What documents do you need?

Here are the 4 main export documents that you’ll need to present to Customs authorities when exporting goods from South Africa.

Factors to consider when choosing the most suitable mode of transport

Putting some thought into contracting transportation equipment and modes of transport reduces shipping and logistics costs. However, import and export planning is not always as simple as choosing the most cost effective option. 

Ensuring a profit before you import

Let’s take a look at how you would determine whether there is any potential profit in selling your product.

Finding the right supplier for your import business

Many business owners struggle to find the right import supplier. Here are the key factors to consider before paying a deposit.