import export interview

5 Minutes with the founder of Trade Logistics

Access to real-time information and the capability to stay on top of international trends can mean the difference between make or break in the trade industry.   It was a basic need for information and trend-watching that led Tracy Venter to develop this online information hub and community for South African traders.  We met up with Tracy, the founder of Trade Logistics, to learn more about this exciting new trading website for South Africans who are engaged (or would like to be) in trade nationally and internationally.

Where did the idea to develop a trade website originate from?

Being in the importing business myself, I found it very frustrating and difficult to find accurate, up-to-date information, and that in a format that is quickly accessible and easy to understand. I found that customs and government regulations change regularly leading to inconsistent information when I phoned people to obtain information. The idea for Trade Logistics was born after assisting a number of friends who were either importing for personal use or starting their own businesses and who experienced the same frustrations I had when starting out.

In one sentence, what is Trade Logistics and what is its function in the trade industry?

Trade Logistics is a one-stop online platform providing individuals and businesses with ALL the information, training, basic services and personal assistance they need to start or grow their international trade business.

What is number one tip you can give to any South African who wishes to start trading internationally?

Combine your passion and ideas with sound business advice and principles.

In your opinion, what is the “easiest” country at this time to start trade with in terms of completing paperwork, obtaining licenses and other bureaucracy?

Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Eswatini form a Customs Union with South Africa that allows goods to move between these countries without duty tax and with fewer restrictions. Smaller items can also be sent by courier. If you are already selling a product why not advertise it in Namibia or Botswana to extend your market?

The countries South Africans are presently conducting trade with the most?

Firstly, Asia (particularly China and India) and secondly, European countries. We have trade agreements with various countries in Europe, namely SADC-EU, SACUM-UK and EFTA SACU.

Tell us more about Trade Logistics and the important service it offers traders who are new to the international market.

As Trade Logistics continues to grow the real reward for me is to see how individuals and businesses are able to grow in the trade industry using the services provided by Trade Logistics .  Trade Logistics pulls together joint advice from numerous professionals in the field and makes it available to everyone for the benefit of all. We are constantly thinking out new ways of adding value and improving our readers’ online experience and welcome any inputs from users in this regard.

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Find more help with your import logistics, original resources, leading-edge training, and assistance with customs licenses on Trade Logistics.