Advance Payment Notification (APN) Code

What is it?
An Advanced Payment Notification (APN) reference number is a mandatory code which needs to be provided to the foreign exchange dealer (bank or forex broker) when a payment is made, as well as to your clearing agent when they clear the goods.

Why do I need it?

This is ONLY needed for:

  • Payments for goods still to be imported – so the goods have not yet been cleared through customs.
  • Payments over R50 000.

Complete this form to apply for an APN code

R450 registration fee applies

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The costs we have saved in foreign exchange fees has helped us make our prices more competitive!

Thank-you for your service, advice and for being available at all times to streamline our inward and outward payments.

I made a substantial payment into the wrong account abroad. I am grateful for a team who was able to retrieve the money and pay it into the correct account for me.